Monday, April 7, 2008

Peach Crepes

¼ tsp vanilla extract
2½ tsp oil, safflower
¾ cup egg whites, Liquid
4 Tbls all bran cereal
1 tsp Splenda (optional)
1½ tsp cocoa, unsweetened
Spices / Flavoring
½ cup peach slices, lite canned
Preparation:Drain juice from peaches, and set aside
Crush All Bran cereal, mix with egg whites and remaining ingredients
Pour mixture to pancake form in oiled skillet. Cook over medium heat until golden, flip over
Place crepe in serving dish, add peaches to the crepe, then roll up :)

The Safflower is just something they prefer, its just healthier, but any kind of oil will do just fine.

1 comment:

  1. After fighting type2 diabetes for more than 12years my last check up finally put all my vital blood levels in the normal range. This was accomplished over the last 6 months by going Vegan. I eliminated all meat and animal by products from my diet. It was challenging at first but the pay off is just fantastic. Lost 45lbs and didn't have to starve myself and best of all my blood sugars have averaged 126, compared to
    190s. Thanks for the recipes
