Tuesday, May 26, 2009

South Beach Snack Bars

Sometimes it's almost impossible to be able to find time to eat a snack in between meals, or when you don't have a piece of fruit and string cheese near by-this is a handy snack that I absolutely live by. The South Beach Bar. They're a little pricey ($3.80 for a box of 5) but well worth it. Each bar has 140 calories, 10 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and 14 grams of Carbs. It literally is the perfect snack.
Dietitians recommend (for snacks) only eating 150 calories or less which is 15 grams of carbs. It's also approved through the American Dietitian Association. This little bar fills you up for a good while, and has zero hydrogenated oils in it. It's a fantastic snack to be caring around with you.
The only downside is that it has Aspartame in it for all your anti-aspartame'ers. Other than that, I consider it the perfect snack.

They come in a variety of flavors. I highly suggest the Chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Um, hate to sound blonde.. but what is Aspartame?? or anti-Aspartame??
