Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I'm doing a GIVEAWAY for this incredible Betty Crocker's Diabetes Cookbook! I live by this book.
As I've mentioned before, I don't cook that good, but these recipes are literally the easiest recipes to go by. Not only are they absolutely delicious, but they give you all the calories, carbs, and any other nutritional facts about each meal.

{leave a comment if your interested and I'll put them in a bowl and have Brad pick one and have it mailed out to you within a week:)}


  1. Do Canadians count... 'cause I'd be in!!

  2. ME!!! I love trying new recipes...especially if they are easy:)

  3. ummmm....can I PLEASE win? Cause I KNOW I am your favorite cousin, so I am sure you will rig it so I win, dont disappoint me!!! hehe

  4. O please I do not have good luck but would love to win this cookbook!!! I always need new recipes and these recipes would be wonderful for my dad and brother who are also diabetic ( not to mention I want to lose my baby weight and it would be perfect)!!!

  5. This would be so great! I love your blog! It helps me eat better and then I feel better!

  6. Don't listen to a word Vinnie says. Please put my name in several times. And then look while you draw to make sure you get me. Thanks!

  7. I love cookbooks!

  8. ooo I LOVE cookbooks!! I know you don't know me, but I'm tara thueson's sister-in-law and saw your blog off of hers. anyways, sorry for useless info...Hope I win!!

  9. Hey! That cookbook looks so great! I've been struggling for new food ideas. I would love a new cookbook and a healthier one at that!

  10. Would love to try and win it since I was just found out last year that I have high glu cose and that I am pre diabetic. I know you don't know me but I saw you off Elizabthe's blog.


  11. OOh Ooh!! Pick me, pick me!! I need more healthy recipes!!

  12. I can always use a new cook book!!

  13. Yay for giveaways! Who wouldn't love a good cookbook!!!

  14. Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes - man is it difficult to cook and actually know how many carbs I am eating. Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Hey Melissa this is Mindi(Boogaard) from BHS. I love to keep up with you and Mr. Brad. That being said my cute little 8 year old niece is a Diabetic and I am sure my sister would love to find more meals to cook for her!

  16. melissa! this is fun! put my name in!

  17. Put mine in too! please pick me! give away's are so stinkin awesome!!!! and i love your blogs mellissa, you go girl!

  18. I hope I'm not to late to enter. You are so cute, seriously I just looked at your blog for the first time in a while and it is amazing. You have truly become quiet the photographer.
