Monday, August 17, 2009


I have another wonderful testimonial from a close family friend. Tiffany Correa is a wife and mother of her cute little boy. She has one of the best personalities and comes from one of the BEST families I know! She was nice enough to send over her testimonial to help motivate and inspire us to eat better and feel good! Not only is she beautiful, but she has an incredible talent with hair and make-up (you have probably seen her name in the credits of some movies:)). She does it for a living and is remarkable at it.

You have to check out her money saving blog, Sales Addict. She posts deals where you can save loads of money daily! It's fantastic!

"Ive been following The Diabetic Diet Blog for some time now. Its been such an inspiring and motivating site! About 5 weeks ago.. I printed every recipe posted and began cooking those meals for dinner each night. To my surprising, the meals were fantastic! Finally eating healthy, could be good on my taste buds! Within 3 weeks of eating healthy meals, I had lost 7 pounds! I was amazed at how great I felt and how much I had lost from just eating better. There have been so many times in the past, where I would start a diet and get frustrated and give up. This has been the complete opposite. Very Empowering, easy and YUMMY!! I am constantly looking forward to new posts, and learning new things about health and diet that benefit not only me, but my family! Thanks for everything!!"

Thank you so much Tiff, and I hope to always have such a positive attitude as you do!


  1. I just love you! Gosh all those compliments, I think I just gained my 7 LBS back, only it went straight to my head :) You rock Meliss.

  2. I hope you dont mind.. but I just featured your site on mine.

  3. Oh i couldn't be happier:) thanks tiff!!
