Monday, August 10, 2009


When I first started this blog, it was mainly for fast and healthy recipes. The more I learned about eating healthy and feeling good, the more I wanted to share not only food recipes, but healthy tips and goals.

I can't tell you how happy I am when I run into someone that says they read the Diabetic Blog. I can honestly say nothing makes me feel better! I've had some people that have actually taken on the challenge of the Diabetic Diet and have had incredible results! So..of course I thought it only appropriate to get some Testimonials from there challenges.

The first testimonial is from a close cousin that I absolutely love and adore! Vinnie Feller started the Diabetic Diet and has not only seen fast results from feeling good, but she looks fantastic!!

"I was introduced to the Diabetic Diet Blog about 4 months ago, and I am so grateful I was. At that point I was wearing a size 9/10 pant and I now wear a size 5/6. But I have not only lost those inches and weight, I feel great too. I feel like I have more energy, I am more organized, I accomplish more in a day, and I feel much better about myself. I am wearing clothes that I have not worn in 3 ½ years, since before I got pregnant with my first baby, and even some of those clothes are too big. I was concerned that eating healthier would make our monthly grocery bill higher, but it hasn’t. I have found that what we used to spend on groceries for two weeks, now will stretch over a one month period, because we eat about half as much as we used to, allowing us to spend that extra money on healthy fresh foods. Before starting this I was exercising everyday, and feeling so frustrated and discouraged because I was not seeing results. By simply eating a filling healthy breakfast, reading labels, controlling my portions, snacking right and continuing my exercise plan, I have seen the results in a much faster time than I ever thought I would. I feel so strongly about this plan, and I love to share it with everyone I talk to. It has helped my family and I so much, that I just wish everyone could join in. "

(Note to mention her husband, Shon has also lost 15 pounds from the Diabetic Diet!)
Thanks so much Vinnie, and I hope you continue to feel great, because your an awesome example of living a good and healthy lifestyle!


  1. Okay so here's my mini testimonial: I have officially given up Dr. Pepper and I bought wheat bread at the store yesterday. I did check out the label for the fiber (your test to determine if it was really wheat or not), and I think it only had 2g. So hopefully this will wean me off white bread and next time I'll get the real stuff!!

    I do love your blog. It's motivating and educating. Wonderful combo!

  2. Caitlin thats AWESOME!! haha, way to go on the Dr. pepper too-i'm sure that was harder than it sounds! thanks so much for your comment! i'm so glad you read it:)

  3. you are too sweet meliss...little do you know, YOU are the inspiration!

  4. Oh, I also wanted to ask you.. I know the best way to get fiber is to eat veggies. A. I'm not a fan and B. I don't really know how to cook them. So I was thinking about doing Metamucil or something like that? Does that stuff really work, or should I not even waste my money?

  5. So this isn't my blog, but I just wanted to add a comment towards Caitlin's comment about getting fiber by eating veggies. So I use not not eat to many veggies but once you learn how to cook them, you will love them. The easiest is mix a few veggies like zuch, yellow squash and carrotts, or pot., carrots, and butternut squash and then just add extra virgin olive oil and maybe some garlic or seasoning of your choice, bake it, and i'm pretty sure you will like it. Sorry for the comment Melissa.
    Oh but I love your blog and I love the testimonials.

  6. oh my gosh kenna i LOVED that you left a comment!! its brilliant! thanks for the awesome ideas:)
