Thursday, December 3, 2009

Did You Know??

The Skinny on Holiday Weight Gain

In the previous years the Media has exaggerated immensely on weight gain during the holidays. They say the average person gains 7-10 pounds during the holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc.

....Little did we know it was all a gimmick for the gyms and weight loss programs to get business at the start of the new years. Which of course they all did and continue to have there busiest time at the start of the year.

Well, come to find out with some help from the New England Journal of Medicine by doing a study, the average person only gains 1 pound from the winter holidays. They weighed a group of 160 people the day before thanksgiving and weighed them again after 3 weeks. Only one of them gained 2 pounds and the rest of them only gained the 1 pound!

So why am I telling you this? Crash diets are dangerous. Don't make it a goal to lose all that weight that you think you gained from the holidays. Continue to eat balanced meals and portions, exercise regularly, and most importantly-DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP if you have a dessert. Eat it, enjoy it, realize it wasn't the best thing you could have put in your body, and get over it! Move on! Don't let it ruin your day and if anything your mood! Us girls can beat up ourselves mentally pretty good and hard.

The best thing about our bodies, is that it forgives us easily the second we start treating it right.

There is always tomorrow, and remember that even if you didn't glance at the the healthy foods at the party-doesn't mean you can't eat the fruits and vegetables the next day:)


  1. That was a very inspiring thought. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for the thoughts! I will try to remember this through the holidays.
