Thursday, January 7, 2010

5 New Health Goals to Start RIGHT NOW!

So, like I said in the last post, it's the New Year!
Second chances. Start overs. New goals. Resolutions.
We all have them. We all want them. We all want to succeed.

The first thing to NOT DO is over load ourselves.
You know what you can do, and you know your body more than anyone.
Something that works for me is to start small, and make it a habit.
Once it's a habit, move on to the next goal.

I have come up with 5 goals that are absolutely, not only achievable, but once you get these down, you can't help but make them into habits for hopefully the rest of your life.

Here we go...

1-Get rid of everything white in your pantry and replace it with WHOLE WHEAT. Can't even begin to tell you the benefits your body will receive, and nutrients.

2-Always, always get in the habit of buying water bottles. Once you buy them, you will never be able to go without. And water is the healthiest thing you can put in your body.

3-Get rid of Butter and get rid of SALT cold turkey. Cut them off. These are the 2 things that catch up with people more than I can ever begin to describe. I promise you, your body will thank you, not just now, but 30 years from now when you don't have to go on medications to fix it.
Use substitutions. Smart Balance is the number one recommended for replacement of Butter, and Salt-well, there are already so many natural Salts in Vegetables you don't even need it. Get your mouth in the habit of tasting things, instead of becoming numb to thinking it needs more taste.

4-Make sure to never ever leave the grocery store without buying 3 kinds of FRUITS and 4 kinds of VEGETABLES.

5-and last but certainly not least.....EAT BREAKFAST EVERY DAY!!!
~and just like Jillian Michael's said herself in an interview on Jay Leno, "exersice is good, but diet and nutrition are essential for maintaining weight and losing weight."

***For some future posts, I want to hear what everyone's New Year's Goals are.

What are you working at? What are you changing? Don't be shy.

Don't keep those incredible goals all to yourself:).

Let's hear what everyone is doing and how so we can all benefit from them!

You can either email me or just leave a comment.


  1. Health wise, one of my goals is to excercise 5 days a week. I need to get into a routine so it gets done each day.

    Also, I've changing to a vegetarian lifestyle, it's going great so far and I hope to soon shift to a vegan diet. What do you think about going VEG?

    I also try and have a green smoothie everyday to catch up on my 3fruits and 4veggies per day.

  2. I am running a marathon in May! Call me crazy, but it is something I have always wanted to do. So, here I am training in 10 degree weather, and I actual like it. :)

  3. well, cause I have been totally slacking in the exercising, I need to start that again, didnt do it over Christmas holidays, so it is a must, did 3 out of the 4 days this week...YAY! Then I am cutting down WAY down on the crap I have been eating, mostly the portion control loss that I have....I am eating way too much, I have been doing better this week, but I am in the "detox" stage and am feeling it...I am SOOO hungry, but I remember going through this before and after a couple of days it was over, I just want it to be over...anyway, it doesnt help though that I am feeling like I am just gaining weight, but I guess I just have to keep moving on and doing the best I can, and tomorrow is a new day, right?

  4. I am pretty much starting from scratch with everything, trying not to eat so crappy, and control my sugar urges.
    We are also trying to get all the white out of our house and make the trans to whole wheat, and it is a little harder than I thought it would be.

  5. Well I completely let myself go over the holidays, and before. I recently found out i'm pregnant, so my energy has been next to nothing and I have had no appetite except for fruit smoothies. I can't wait for the morning sickness to be over (hopefully this weekend since I'm going to be out of my first tri.) so that I can get back to the gym and actually eating normal, healthy foods.

  6. nice post. thanks.

  7. Hey... great ideas! Sheesh, so I meant to write ya back to tell ya about this bike ride call the Tour De Cure in June that raises money for diabetes research. I did it last year and it was so much fun. I am doing it again this year. There is a 25 mile, 60 mile, or 100 mile ride. I am going to try the 60 mile this year. You should do it too, you can join my team! I formed a team through my work called South Valley Women's Healthcare, or you can search my name and join! Good Fun!
