Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Ultimate Morning Routine

I always believed that in able to lose inches, cardio was my only option.
Well, I've been learning a lot from reading the textbook for aerobics, and they recommended simple work outs in the morning or at night.

I started one of them and fell in love with not only how I felt, but with the outcome. It only takes about 15-20 minutes, if that, depending on how fast you do them. I have been doing them at nights before I go to bed, and the results actually came faster than I thought. So, go ahead and right them down, stick it to your mirror, and try the workout at least once a day! I promise you, you will feel a difference and see results.

If you don't believe me, there is a testimonial at the bottom of someone who tried it, and got results:)

Good Luck!!

Ultimate Morning Routine:
30 crunches-keep your legs straight and crossed at your ankles and go up and down like your normal crunch. Make sure you can't see your elbows.
**Add 2 more crunches every day.

25 squats-make sure your toes are faced forward, and your core straight. For faster results, add 10 pound weights to each hand.
**Add 1 more squat every day.

25 lunges
**Add 1 lunge every day.

20 criss-cross crunches-bring elbow to opposite knee when you come up, therefore twisting your stomach with each cross.
**Add 2 more criss-cross' every day.

*Do that entire regimen 3 times!
Finish with 5 push-ups if your not used to push ups. If you are used to them, start with 10.
**Add 1 push every Friday.

It will be hard for the first day, but pump that music and get in the habit of doing it right when you crawl out of bed!

I was doing some exercises in the morning before I went to work, but nothing structured. I did a few push ups and crunches because I was worried about the 50 year old deterioration of my body which was starting to take effect (actually, I was finding that my belly was not deteriorating, but growing!).

I told Melissa what I was doing and she recommended increasing my crunches 2 each day and she gave me some technique advice so that I was doing them properly and not hurting my back. She also recommended increasing my push ups 1X per week (on Fridays). She threw in another type of crunch that I now do in addition to the basic crunches. I gotta tell you...the additional crunch was brutal! I felt my abs burning when I was done. My wife always wondered why I was moaning and yelling so loud in the mornings.

Melissa also showed me how to do some squats, which I do 50 times a day. Well, I've been doing it now for about 2 months now and I am very happy to report that my previously protruding belly has now shrunk! I can wear my 34 pants a lot easier than I could before. I had to resort to 36" pants for a while...and it was a bummer. I actually like looking in full-body mirrors now because my shirt is flat against a flat stomach. I feel fantastic when I walk out the door to go to work in the mornings. Oh, and by the way, Melissa also gave me some nutritional advice. She recommended I take more fiber. I have begun ingesting about 30 grams per day and my pipes are cleaner than ever! Thanks!
Alan Weidner

Thanks Dad, hehe!
(but all family aside, he really has lost inches that are noticeable! I'm proud of him for sticking to it!!)

1 comment:

  1. ok, so I saw this on here yesterday and though to myself, "oh that will be a nice break to what I have been doing, on a day that I dont feel like going all out!" YEAH RIGHT! I just finished, and I am shaking and i totally kicked my butt! thanks meliss (and not in a sarcastic way...really, thank you...)I am glad I found something else, heres to hoping it mixes my body up enough to see results!
