Monday, March 1, 2010

Herbed Whole Wheat Pasta with Lemon Butter

Of course we have all heard of the famous NieNieDialogues, and her incredible story, but she has countless talents that I'm sure all of us are aware by now. One of them being her incredibly healthy cooking.
I actually cook a lot of her stuff pre-accident and love every. single. one. of them!
Her and her family are incredibly healthy, from what it sounds like, and I loved reading through her recipes and still do.
One that I just made a couple of nights ago was the
Herbed Whole Wheat Pasta with Lemon Butter.
Fast, Easy and Delish.
I couldn't help but recommend it!

Herbed Whole Wheat pasta with lemon butter "This is a great dinner that can be made in under 20 minutes. So if you are like me and Mr. Nielson who reserve Friday nights as date night, this meal will be a great one to make in advance for the babysitter to feed the kids. Instead of leaving the local pizza joint's number for your babysitter, leave her this meal and save that extra $15 bucks on dessert with your lover."

Coarse salt and ground pepper
1/2 pound whole wheat pasta
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh herbs, such as parsley, tarragon, and chives
crumbled feta

~In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta until al dente according to package instructions. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup pasta water. Return pasta to pot.
Stir in butter, lemon zest, juice, and herbs; season with salt and pepper. Add some of the reserved pasta water to adjust consistency, if needed. Top with crumbled feta.

***For more of her delicious recipes, click HERE.
(Recipe, Directions, and Quote was all from the website of Cuisinenie.)


  1. Oooh, I am going to try this! I made something similar to this a couple weeks ago but I added some salmon for those Omega-3's. I used basil for my herb and it was sooooo good! Mmmm, food!

  2. so sad that that blog link is private! this recipe was delish!

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