Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Power of Stretching

picture by my sister, Stacie Murdock

Stretching has always been a big part of my routines from the second I start my aerobic classes to the second we are ready to cool down. Who doesn't love a good stretch? I absolutely loved this article I came across to help me understand more fully just how important it is to stretch our bodies.....everyday!

Click here to read the great article.

P.s. Another thing I love? Real Simple magazine, I highly recommend subscribing!


  1. Ryan and I just had a discussion about stretching (because I can't touch my toes...sad), so I am so excited to read this! And, we had the quesadillas for dinner tonight and LOVED them! Adding them to the rotation.

  2. I love this post. Cool downs are so awesome and to know the benifits make it even better. but man do I wish I was felixble. maybe my back wouldnt hurt so much. (cant touch my toes either)
