Friday, January 28, 2011

Perfect Oven Roasted Fries

I came across this recipe while trying to find that Tomatillo Soup on the Zupas Blog that my sister made and immediately tried/made them. I fell head over hills. Instantly.

I'd recommend these to anyone! Especially someone that's trying to rid fast food. They literally taste better than fast food fries in my opinion. But I would recommend Sea Salt, for some reason it makes a big difference.


"This is more of a method than a recipe, because times will all depend on how thick and big you cut your potato slices. But the secret? Boiling the fries before they go into the oven. Believe me - it makes the inside nice and soft while the outside gets crispy from a high oven temperature. And it speeds up the process as well!"

1st - set a pot of water over high heat to get it boiling. Also preheat your oven to the highest temperature it will go to.

2nd - cut your potatoes. I like mine thinner, but you can definitley do big wedges or small stick - however you prefer your fries. Leave the peel on or take them off -it’s all up to you!

3rd - drop the potatoes into the boiling water. Cook until just barely tender - make sure you don’t cook them so much that they fall apart!

4th - drain potatoes and transfer to a baking sheet. Cover with olive oil and any seasoning you want. Put into the preheated oven.

5th - Cook until crispy on the edges. I like to turn mine once or twice during this time so that they get evenly browned.

6th - remove from oven and enjoy - I like mine with some fry sauce!!

(Thanks Deborah from


  1. melissa i saw this recipe on there too and thought i must try them! i also saw a recipe like this but it used butternut squash instead....i'll have to try it to let you know how it tastes!

  2. mmmmm...those look SO good, are those sweet potato fries too?

  3. hi my name is ashley.... ha me and the kellster tried these the other night and are in love with each other even more thanks to them and you. i think kell worked at a little burger joint in a previous life because this is his FAVORITE treat to make, like no joke twice a week. but the problem is it takes forever to bake the dang potatoes, so we are loving the boiling thingy! now we can shove our faces even faster. oh and we use SMOKED paprika to season them.... give it a try we highly recommend it. but it has to be the smoked stuff. ok bye i will shut up. I LOVE THIS DANG BLOG. amen

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